MolflowCLI Documentation
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The MolflowCLI gives Molflow users another useful tool that lets them run simulations without the graphical user interface. Simulations can thus be run on headless servers, such as computing clusters. CLI arguments give users the flexibility to change simulation parameters on demand, e.g. when using scripts.
- 2023/01/10: Updated example scripts, added batch file
- 2022/04/14: Added "auto" command
- 2021/11/09: Added "Additional output" section for new 2.9.1 arguments
- 2021/09/29: Initial publication
A list of commands can be fetched by starting the application with the -h
or --help
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--threads UINT # Threads to be deployed
-t,--time UINT Simulation duration in seconds
-d,--ndes FLOAT ... Desorption limit for simulation end
Required input file (XML only)
-o,--output TEXT Excludes: --overwrite
Output file name (e.g. 'outfile.xml', defaults to 'out_{inputFileName}'
--outputPath TEXT Excludes: --overwrite
Output path, defaults to 'Results_{date}'
-s,--outputDuration UINT Seconds between each stat output if not zero
-a,--autosaveDuration UINT Seconds for autoSave if not zero
--setParamsByFile TEXT:FILE Parameter file for ad hoc change of the given geometry parameters
--setParams TEXT ... Direct parameter input for ad hoc change of the given geometry parameters
--verbosity INT Restrict console output to different levels
--loadAutosave Whether autoSave_ file should be used if exists
-r,--reset Resets simulation status loaded from file
--verbose Verbose console output (all levels)
--overwrite Excludes: --output --outputPath
Overwrite input file with new results
--writeFacetDetails Will write a CSV file containing all facet details including physical quantities
--writeFacetQuantities Will write a CSV file containing all physical quantities for each facet
--config Read an ini file
--auto Use auto generated test case
MolflowCLI has been developed for Linux, MacOS and Windows operating systems. The provided examples should work for most Unix shells and for Powershell on Windows. If the path to the molflowCLI binary is not set with an environment variable, the application usually has to be appended with ./
to note, which is the relative path to the current directory (assuming the binary directory and the working directory are equal).
Note: As a minimal starting configuration
needs the following arguments:
- input file
--file {file_name}
(see Input / Output)- end condition
(see Simulation settings)
To give working examples, by default the configuration --file inputFile.xml -t 1000
will be used.
Input / Output
The MolflowCLI's main purpose is the launch of simulations with geometries that have been prepared with the Molflow GUI. The CLI application can start simulations from either .xml
or .zip
files. The file can be given with the argument --file {file_name}
, where file_name
can also be a relative or an absolute path to a file.
- Input file from working directory
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml -t 1000
- Input file from relative path
./molflowCLI --file geometries/inputFile.xml -t 1000
- Input file from absolute path
./molflowCLI --file /usr/molflow/inputFile.xml -t 1000
By default the input file will not be overwritten with the results. Instead another output file will be generated in a directory inside the binary path labeled as Results_{date_time}
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml --overwrite -t 1000
will instead write the simulation results to the given input file.
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml -o outputFile.xml --outputPath . -t 1000
will generate an output file directly in the binary path. The path can also be deduced by giving a path with the output file name:
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml -o ./outputFile.xml -t 1000
is redudant with the previous example.
[From 2.9.4]
An automatically generated test case can be used as a test case with --auto
./molflowCLI --auto -o ./auto_prism.xml -t 1000
In 2.9.4 the auto generated test case is always a pipe tilted by an angle (an oblique prism) of 10 degrees with a L/R ratio of 10.
Additional output
[From 2.9.1]
To export a list of various details and converted physical quantities for each facet, the CLI provides the following possibilities:
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml -t 1000 --writeFacetDetails
This will create a list and write them to a CSV file facet_details.csv
covering all possible values, which are the following:
* Facet ID [\#]
* Sticking
* Opacity
* Structure
* Link
* Desorption
* Reflection
* 2 Sided
* Vertex
* Area
* Temperature (K)
* Facet 2D Box
* Texture (u,v)
* Mesh sample/cm
* Count
* Memory
* Planarity
* Profile
* Imping.rate
* Density [1/m3]
* Density [kg/m3]
* Pressure [mbar]
* Av.mol.speed[m/s]
* MC Hits
* Equiv.hits
* Des.
* Equiv.abs.
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml -t 1000 --writeFacetQuantities
only converted physical quantities are written to a CSV file facet_physics.csv
* Facet ID [\#]
* Imping.rate
* Density [1/m3]
* Density [kg/m3]
* Pressure [mbar]
* Av.mol.speed[m/s]
Since CLI simulations are usually setup for longer durations, an autosave should be created frequently. By default an autosave file will be created every 10 minutes. This duration can be changed, e.g. to every 5 minutes (given as 300 seconds):
--autosaveDuration 300 -t 1000
If an autosave file exists, it will be loaded when --loadAutosave
is given as an argument. The application will check for a file with the prefix autosave_
in the working directory.
Simulation settings
For simulations with the CLI an end condition needs to be set. Currently this can be time specific, e.g. to launch a simulation for 60 seconds:
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml -t 60
or a maximal number of traced particles (number of desorptions) can be used, e.g. to launch a simulation with 100,000 particles:
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml -d 1e5
A list of desorption limits can be given, which will create intermediary output files for each reached limit, e.g. to launch a simulation with 1E5, 1E6 and then 1E7 particles:
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml -d 1e5 1e6 1e7
If a file already has results from a previous simulation saved, these results can be reset with --reset
, e.g.:
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml --reset -t 1000
the reset will not automatically apply to the input file.
If necessary, the amount of CPU cores/threads that shall be deployed can be regulated with --threads
, e.g. for a limit of 8 CPU cores:
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml --threads 8 -t 1000
Facet parameter changes
The CLI application allows the user to change several geometry and simulation parameters either with argument(s) or by reading a file where each line is a parameter change.
The following facet parameters can be changed:
: Facet outgassing in (mbar*l/s)specificOutgassing
: Facet area-wise outgassing in (mbar*l/s/cm2) - from Molflow 2.9.19+sticking
: Sticking coefficient [0..1]opacity
: Facet opacity [0..1]temperature
: Facet temperature in (K)
The following simulation parameters can be changed:
: particle mass in (g/mol)enableDecay
: particle decay 0=off,1=onhalfLife
: half life in (s)
Individual parameter changes are given in the form
facet.{facet_index|range_of_indices|"selection_group"}.{parameter} = {value}
simulation.{parameter} = {value}
See examples just a bit further on.
Change(s) can also given directly as a CLI argument:
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml --setParams facet.2.outgassing=10.0 facet.42.sticking=1.0 -t 1000
To avoid passing very long lists as arguments, parameter changes can be saved inside a file (here paramsweep.txt):
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml --setParamsByFile 'paramsweep.cfg' -t 1000
For example the following paramsweep.cfg
facet.2.outgassing = 10.0
facet.42.sticking = 1.0
facet.10-15.opacity = 0.5
simulation.mass = 2.0
simulation.enableDecay = 1
simulation.halfLife = 42.42
would change...
- the outgassing on facet #2
- the sticking on facet #42
- the opacity on facets #10 to #15
- the temperature for the selection group called "wall"
For the simulation...
- the general particle mass will be modified
- particle decay will be activated with the given particle half life.
See example scripts for automatic sweeps through a range of values.
Terminal log
To keep track of the simulation state in certain frequencies, an output about various statistics can be printed to the terminal every few seconds, e.g.
./molflowCLI --file inputFile.xml -s 10 -t 1000
will give an output every 10 seconds in the form
Node# Time #Hits (run) #Hits (total) Hit/sec #Des (run) #Des (total) Des/sec
0 10.02 40757977 2034302298 4067226.30 1990655 3990655 198646.87
0 20.05 97010273 2090554594 4838832.30 4737142 6737142 236286.68
0 30.08 160969458 2154513779 5351621.66 7849474 9849474 260965.13
0 40.11 222523417 2216067738 5547208.36 10854042 12854042 270576.61
Various details are printed when running the application, the verbosity of these outputs can be restricted with --verbosity {level}
, where level=0
means minimal output. Maximal output can be activated with the argument --verbose
. The default is level=2
. Some examples of what is printed with certain verbosity levels:
Level | |||
0 | Error messages | ||
1 | Initialisation log | Simulation stats | |
2 | Write/load progress | Higher load verbosity | Autosave notifaction |
3 | Parameter change details | Higher load verbosity | |
4 | Simulation settings | Acceleration Data Structure statistics | (Dev) MPI log |
5 | (Dev) More verbose MPI log |
Config file
To reduce the argument list or e.g. to create a default set of arguments that saves you typing, a configuration file containing the arguments can be loaded with --config [config_file]
, e.g. a simulation can be started with
./molflowCLI --config default.ini
The extension can be anything, not just '.ini'. Please note that the config file doesn't persistently change molflowCLI - all it does is it adds the arguments it finds in the file, saving you typing. For beginners, it is not recommended to use config files.
An example config file is given as follows:
; Molflow+/Synrad+ Simulation Management
; Lines starting with semicolons are comments
; Simulation duration in seconds
; Desorption limit for simulation end
ndes=1e6 1e7
; Input file (XML/ZIP only)
; Output file name (e.g. 'outfile.xml', defaults to 'out_{inputFileName}'
; Output path, defaults to 'Results_{date}'
; Seconds between each stat output if not zero
; Seconds for autoSave if not zero
; Parameter file for ad hoc change of the given geometry parameters
; Direct parameter input for ad hoc change of the given geometry parameters
; Restrict console output to different levels
; Whether autosave_ file should be used if exists
; Resets simulation status loaded from file
; Verbose console output (all levels)
; Overwrite input file with new results
Example scripts
A major advantage with the CLI is the simple modification of simulation parameters. With scripts multiple runs can easily be run with an loop, e.g. to launch simulations for different geometries or to launch simulations with incrental modifications to facet properties.
As a brief example, we give a bash script (Linux/Mac) and a powershell script (Windows).
# loop over a sequence [0.1,0.2 .. 1.0]
for val in $(seq 0.1 0.1 1.0)
echo "Launch simulation for opacity $val..."
./molflow_mac_2.9.8_beta/molflowCLI -f -o $fileName --outputPath opacityResults -t 10 --setParams facet.2.opacity=$val --reset
echo "Written result to $fileName"
# Loop over a sequence [0.1,0.2 .. 1.0]
for ($val=0.1; $val -le 1.0; $val=$val+0.1) {
$fileName = "result_$"
Write-Host "Launch simulation for opacity $val..."
& .\molflow_win_2.9.8_beta\molflowCLI.exe "-f -o $fileName --outputPath opacityResults -t 10 --setParams facet.2.opacity=$val --reset".Split(" ") #Converting parameters to a list
Write-Host "Written result to $fileName"
Batch file:
@echo OFF
FOR %%G IN (0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0) DO (
echo "Launch simulation for opacity %%G..."
molflow_win_2.9.8_beta\molflowCLI.exe -f -o --outputPath opacityResults -t 10 --setParams facet.2.opacity=%%G --reset
echo "Written result to" )