Currently the aperture information can be either passed from an (Excel) table, or imported from a custom file format that matches s positions to find elements.
There's a CERN-wide effort to standardize aperture definitions and iinclude them in the Twiss file. Importing those will be added later.
Here is an example that works after first importing this example Twiss file.
It's a text file with the following obligatory case-sensitive columns (one header row and data rows after):
- S_begin OR S_center OR S_end: The column containing either the beginning, center or end coordinates of elements (in meters)
- Length: only obligatory if you define S by center or end (the tool has to deduct the beginning from the length)
- Aperture OR Aperture_m OR Aperture_mm: The radius of the circle (racetrack not supported yet)
All other columns are ignored.
Values will be filled in the table if a match with an element's S coordinate is found.