The new downloads page, combined for MolFlow, SynRad and OpticsBuilder is below. The page below won't be updated.
Please cite us If you publish results computed with our codes, we kindly ask you to include a reference to this IPAC'19 proceeding.
The primary place to download MolFlow+ binaries (runnable versions) is the
"MolFlow GitLab releases" page
where new versions are automatically published as they are built.
Instructions to install and run
- Windows 64-bit
- MacOS (Intel and ARM)
- Debian-based Linux (Ubuntu, Suse, ...)
- Fedora-based Linux (CentOs, CERN lxplus)
All published versions are available on the Molflow and Synrad releases CERNBox folder.
- MolFlow 2.9 (2021-)
- MolFlow 2.8 (2019-2024)
- MolFlow 2.7 (2018-2019)
- MolFlow 2.6 (Sep 2014 - March 2019)
- MolFlow 2.5 (March - Oct 2014)
- MolFlow 2.4 (Sep 2014 - March 2019)
- MolFlow 2.3 (Aug 2012 - May 2013)
- MolFlow 2.2 (Apr - June 2012)
- MolFlow 2.1 (March 2012)
- MolFlow 2.0 (late 2017)